Friday, July 18, 2014

Herbal Bath

Day 3
He is the most calm baby ever.
He sleeps through the night
Is nursing Great and the kids can't get enough

Did an Herbal Bath today
herbal baths are a Mix of herbs. shepherds purse, uva ursi, lavendar, sea salt, yarrow or Any combination. 

benefits for mom: soothes, helps with healing(if torn) and soreness, relaxing.

benefits for baby: prevents dryness, relaxing and soothing, helps heal cord, prevents newborn acne

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Our Freebirth

This is our 5th child.
Our 4 previous hospital births caused so much trauma we chose to have baby #5 at home.
(A whole separate post will be soon about why we choose Free-birth and how we prepared)

May 3rd 2014
I had 3 strong contractions 2 min apart around 4am. I was surprised when I woke up in the morning, that I had fallen back asleep and nothing had come of it.

Got up and got ready to go to our nieces Birthday Party.
Noticed I had lost a little of my mucus plug.
Didn't make me think I was going to start labor soon, as I had never noticed it with any other pregnancy and it can rejuvenate throughout the pregnancy when lost early.
We had fun and Stayed for several hours at the party, and I felt totally fine.
On the way home (1hr15min drive) I was finishing up crocheting his baby blanket. 

I was telling husband how I couldn't believe I was already 37.5 weeks
 and he could be here anytime now, (2 had been born at 41 weeks and 2 at 37 weeks) 
and that I needed to finish the blanket.
Not kidding, as soon as I said that, I got a huge contraction.
he thought I was kidding.
I was not. 
They were consistent after the big one, every couple minutes. 
Not too strong though but I told him I knew then baby would be born soon, that night or the morning.
 I was able to finish the blanket except the border and stripes by the time we got home. (5pm)

The contractions got stronger and closer together as I was making dinner.
M was so excited and talked and kissed my belly telling him she couldn't wait to meet him.

Husband  asked if I was ready and I started crying.
I love labor and delivery. Its so exciting! It serves a very special purpose.
Its the act I have to go through to meet my sweet miracles.
BUT I absolutely LOVE being pregnant and get very emotional when its over.

I got the kids ready for bed.
The contractions were a consistent 4-5 min apart.
B wanted a picture while I was walking around.
Baby dropped really low about 10 min before this picture was taken.
M rubbing my belly through contractions
L took this picture of me
It was about 9pm when I finally got the kids settled and in bed.

M planned on staying up since I promised her she could be there for the birth.
L said he didn't want to stay up to see,
 so I told him by the time he woke up he would see his baby brother.
B and A were so excited as well.

It was amazing how my body knew my kids needed me. The whole time I carried each to bed and sang them their songs, the contractions were slow and easier.

You can tell in this picture that baby had dropped even more.
A wouldn't let hubby comfort her and only wanted me.
I walked around and rocked her through the contractions,
until she fell asleep.

As soon as I laid her in bed
I got a huge contraction.
They picked back up almost immediately with the same strong intensity as before bedtime.

M got her swimsuit on and was jumping all around the living room so loud about how excited she was that he was coming!

Husband started filling up the pool.

M bounced around talking, and then just as fast, she was passed out on the couch.
Hubby moved her to her bed so she could sleep till baby was ready.

There were maybe 3-5 contractions total for the next couple hours.
I got in the water before Husband emptied it out
He drained the pool and we went to bed around 12:30am.

I woke up with an intense Contraction at 1:45.
Feel asleep and would wake up with another.
Got a little sleep between each one.
Husband would notice with my breathing and me grabbing onto the pillow
 and he would breath with me and rub my back.
They were 5-7 minutes and then got to 2 min apart.
I couldn't lay down anymore so at 3:20am we got up and  filled up the pool
 we woke up M to let her know baby brother was close.
She was so excited!
She jumped in the pool with me and rubbed my back for awhile,
 telling me I was doing such a good job and she was so proud of me.
Husband took these pictures
She then got cold and got out but continually checked on me.
She was so sweet!
M took these pictures.
J was by my side the entire time unless he was getting more warm water.
He kept telling me how strong and amazing I was and how he couldn't do what I do.
He would remind me to breathe (something during contractions,
 I don't do as I like to just hold my breath)
and would tell me to visualize the air going in blue, using it up and leaving red.
A was up around 4am like she is most mornings, but she usually goes back to sleep if I lay by her....this time was different obviously as I couldn't just lay down with her,
 and wouldn't let anyone calm her.
He turned on her favorite show on the computer and it kept her happy and occupied
These are screen shots off of the video camera we had set up on the tripod.
Not very Sharp, but I love them the same.

M was the sweetest!
She was constantly telling me how great I was.
And what a good job I was doing.
She rubbed my back and held my hand and got me water.
The majority of Labor I was on my knees.
Something I have always had the urge to do with previous births,
but being in the hospital they wouldn't let me.
I loved being able to move how I felt I needed to.
There were times I would feel I needed to flip over and that's exactly what I did
A came over and talked to me for a bit
reminding me to breath again during a contraction
 once in a while I was able to sleep between contractions
M feel asleep around 5am.

My contractions were not consistent at all the last hour.
They would jump from a min apart up to 8-9 min.
Husband was getting more warm water and came running because he knew it was time.
I knew it was time but asked him later how he knew, and he said because I start saying "oooo" whereas I'm completely silent the rest of the time.
And my grip had been getting tighter and starting to hurt his hand.
He ran to make sure the video was on and it was dead.
(looking back at the video it had died maybe only 5-10 minutes before birth)
The battery was gone and he tried so hard to get it to turn back on.
Wish so badly I could have had the next part on video. It was amazing.

The entire time I let my body do what it needed to do. I had no cervical checks as it didn't matter. I was not in any rush. I talked to baby letting him know I was working with him and he was okay. My body then pushed on its own ("Fetal Ejection Reflex" Its amazing the pain difference when you force pushing and when you go with the waves and let your body push when it needs to)
I then felt a Pop.
My water had broken.
I then turned and leaned my back against the pool and waited for the next contraction.
This is what is called the "rest and be thankful stage"
several minutes went by
(In the hospital I would have been coached to push through this time)

B wandered out at 6:10am
Husband threw a pillow to try to wake up M because she was not waking up with him yelling her name and he didn't want to leave my side. B woke her up and A joined them at the pool.

Next contraction, again my body pushed on its own.
Husband jumped in the pool and said he could see his nose.
baby was posterior
(L was posterior as well, Posterior is spine against my spine, face up.
 this explains why I felt the urge to be on my hands and knees.

M ran and got L up
All the kids at this time were around the pool and so excited they could see his face.
again my body pushed on its own, pushing baby into Husbands hands where I met his,
 and brought baby up to my chest.

He was perfect!
So calm and peaceful and perfect!
Tons of Red hair and looked just like the others kids.
Covered with his amazing Vernix from head to toe.
He pinked up right away and was breathing great.

May 4, 2014

Husband grabbed the camera and got these over the next couple minutes :)
The kids kept oooing and awwing over him and telling me what a good job I did.
and J kept telling me I did it and he was so proud of me.
They all came and gave baby kisses
and told him their name.
They were all so adorable with him
Those Lips!!!
M was obsessed 
She couldn't wait to hold him
He has the longest arms and legs.
It was amazing how his vernix was melting into his skin.
He nursed perfect right away
and M was just so in love watching and waiting till she could hold him
We did Skin to skin and
We delayed cord clamping
Husband cut the cord a little after an hour and helped me up out of the pool.

I nursed him again and rubbed in the rest of the vernix that was still on his skin.
Everyone took turns holding him
while we finalized his name
Then we weighed him and measured him
7lbs 1oz
19.5 inches
The cord tie we made him.
4 colors, for each of his siblings

It was amazing to just relax in our own home and not be in a rush for anything.
Several hours after he was born, around 11am we called family to tell them the news,
then we posted on Facebook the news.

It was a lazy day and I loved that we never once had to leave the other kids.

M told me all day long and still to this day, she cant wait to have her babies at home and they are so worth the pain. I love that my children were able to see how babies are born and that its such a beautiful thing.

I was so tired from being up all night I nursed him and we fell asleep for a couple hours.
I would go to the bathroom here and there throughout the day and push but I was hesitant.
 Before bed contractions started up again.
For a good 2 hours after the kids were in bed it continued.

While I waited, I was researching retained placenta and it was interesting to see how its all emotional..Some have even walked around for several days with the placenta still inside...I knew It was detached from my uterine wall but I knew it had been just sitting on my cervix. I was scared of pushing again, and I wasn't ready to be done with the pregnancy.
(Obviously if I had a fever and felt like something was wrong I would have transferred)

Husband got a bath ready for me and sat with me, rubbing my back telling me it wouldn't hurt and I was going to be okay.  I knew it wouldn't hurt but I for sure had a mental block.
He gave me a blessing and I had to keep telling myself baby was here, it was all okay to be over. 
My body pushed on its own with the contraction and the placenta was delivered at 10:50pm.
16.5 hours later. Such a relief when that was done. He said immediately I looked like I was a new person with so much more energy.
I was so glad my body was able to do it on its own instead 
of it being forcefully removed by a doctor like what happened before.

Nursed and went to bed around midnight.
Next Day took baby to Pediatrician where they were amazed at how healthy he was and Doctor praised me for having him at home. We love that our doctor is so supportive of our choices because they are so different from main stream.
Then I had my Placenta Encapsulated by a friend